MDACC Advanced Cytometry & Sorting Facility at South Campus
The mission of the Advanced Cytometry and Sorting Facility (ACSF) is to provide expert support to MD Anderson researchers using flow cytometry and cell sorting technologies.
MDACC Advanced Microscopy Core
The Advanced Microscopy Core specializes in fluorescence microscopy modes such as super-resolution, confocal and dynamic microscopy and provide the instrument access, training, expertise and collaboration to researchers .
Collene Jeter | |
832-750-7259 |
MDACC Advanced Technology Genomics Core (ATGC)
The Advanced Technology Genomics Core provides researchers with a comprehensive range of genomic services, that includes next generation sequencing, Sanger sequencing, gene resequencing, single cell analysis, microarrays, droplet digital PCR, NanoString analysis and fluorescent fragment analysis
Erika Thompson, M.S. | |
713-834-6381 |
MDACC Assessment, Intervention and Measurement Shared Resource (AIM)
The AIM Shared Resource provides expertise in the science of collecting and managing patient-reported outcome data, assessing energy balance, and developing and implementing technology applications for behavioral assessment and intervention.
Susan K. Peterson, PhD, MPH | |
713-792-8267 |
MDACC Bionutrition Research Core
The mission of the Bionutrition Research Core is to facilitate state-of-the-art nutritional science research by providing the resources, expertise, and infrastructure necessary to conduct controlled human feeding studies and dietary intervention, accurately assess participants' diets
Erma Levy MPH RD LD | |
(713) 792-5039 |
MDACC Biospecimen Extraction Facility
The Biospecimen Extraction Resource provides a centralized laboratory for standardized, high quality DNA, RNA and protein extraction from blood, tissues, saliva, cells, or other patient derived biospecimens.
Jian Gu, Ph.D. | |
713-792-8016 |
MDACC Bone Histomorphometry Core Laboratory
The Bone Histomorphometry Core Laboratory provides histomorphometric analyses of nondecalcified bone specimens, including processing mouse bone specimens for nondecalcified histology and performing static and dynamic histomorphometric analyses of mouse bone specimens.
Xiaohong Wang | |
713-792-4184 |
MDACC Clinical Trials Operations
Neelima Reddy | |
713-745-0402 |
MDACC Cyclotron Radiochemistry Facility
H. Charles Manning | |
MDACC Cytogenetics and Cell Authentication Core
The primary goal of this facility is to offer conventional and molecular cytogenetic services, including species identification, karyotyping, analysis of genomic instability, fluorescence in situ hybridization and spectral karyotyping
Asha S. Multani Ph.D. | |
713-563-1892 |
MDACC DVMS Ancillary Services and Rodent Export
Andrew Pesek | |
713-745-5079 |
MDACC DVMS Mouse Metabolic Facility
David Valdecanas | |
713-792-7266 |
MDACC DVMS Veterinary Pathology Services
Thuc Chan Nguyen | |
713-792-2790 |
MDACC Decision Science Core
The Shared Decision Making Core (SDM Core) provides researchers with access to decision science expertise and state-of-the-art methods necessary to develop, evaluate, and disseminate SDM interventions to enhance the quality of cancer care delivery at MD Anderson and its partner institutions.
Viola B. Leal, MPH | |
(713) 563-7363 |
MDACC EMC Flow Cytometry Core
The Flow Cytometry and Cell Imaging Core Facility at Science Park provides cutting edge cell analysis resources. These include cell sorting and analytical flow cytometry to phenotype, quantify and isolate cells and confocal microscopy to capture high resolution images.p
Pamela Whitney - Lab | |
832-750-7201 |
MDACC Epigenomics Profiling Core Facility
The EpiCore is a unique facility and a comprehensive one-stop-shop for the expertise, methods and services to assess epigenome, and provides a valuable resource for first time and established investigators to continue their research in epigenetics.
Marcos Estecio | |
713-792-9108 |
MDACC Functional Genomics Core
The Functional Genomics Core provides researchers with genetic tools for studying and annotating gene functions in cell-based assays, including human and mouse shRNA, human ORF (Open Reading Frames) and human CRISPR/Cas9 libraries
Dr. Yutong Sun | |
(713)792-3677 |
MDACC Genetically Engineered Mouse Facility (GEMF)
The GEMF generates mouse models for MD Anderson Cancer Center members and offers essential services for archiving important mouse models and rederiving novel models from outside sources.
Fabien Delerue, Ph.D. | |
713-563-5827 |
MDACC High Resolution Electron Microscopy Facility (HREMF)
The mission of the High Resolution Microscopy Facility is to provide scanning and transmission electron microscopy services to researchers.
Kenneth Dunner, Jr., A.S., B.S. | |
713-792-8109 |
MDACC Laboratory Animal Genetic Services
Laboratory Animal Genetic Services (LAGS) provides cost-effective, customized genome scans using polymorphic genetic markers (SSLPs and SNPs) to support speed congenic line development and background strain characterization for mice and rats
Fernando Benavides, DVM, PhD, DACLAM | |
MDACC Metabolomics
TThe Metabolomics Core provides state-of-the-art, ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry platforms capable of measuring thousands of metabolites and lipids in biological matrices of all types (e.g., cells, media, tissues, whole blood, plasma, urine)
Phil Lorenzi, Ph.D | |
713-792-9999 |
MDACC Microbiome Core
Samuel Shelburne, MD, PhD |
SShelburne(at) |
MDACC Monoclonal Antibody Core Facility
The Monoclonal Antibody Facility develops high quality, cost effective customized MAbs to meet the basic, translational, and clinical research needs of MD Anderson investigators.
Laura Bover, PhD | |
713-563-3301 or 713-563-2281 |
MDACC NORTH Campus Flow Cytometry and Cellular Imaging Core Facility
The FCCIF specializes in single cell technologies including FACS Cell Sorting, Analytical Flow Cytometry, Multispectral Flow Cytometry, Suspension Mass Cytometry, Imaging Mass Cytometry, Confocal Imaging, Live Cell Imaging, Multispectral Imaging, and High-plex Tissue Imaging,.
Joan Hoover-Zuniga | |
713-745-1749 |
MDACC Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility
The NMR facility is used for structure determination of compounds developed in drug discovery, pharmacology, and diagnostic imaging laboratories.
Kumaralal Kaluarachchi, Ph.D | |
713-792-3779 |
The ORION core provides state-of-the-art immunoprofiling services including clinical trial immune monitoring, data analysis and technical consultation for assay design, as well as single service instrument use.
ORION Core lab | |
713-563-1955 |
MDACC Population Genomics Core (PGC) Facility
Performs high-throughput microarray services for genotyping, gene expression and methylation profiling; facilitates population genomic studies by providing controlled access to archived blood biospecimens
Di Zhang, M.S | |
713-834-6166 |
MDACC Proteomics
The Proteomics Facility provides state-of-the-art mass spectrometry analysis of proteins for both basic and clinical cancer research
Sara Zanivan | |
346-723-7487 |
MDACC RPPA-Functional Proteomics
Functional Proteomics Reverse Phase Protein Array RPPA Core provides cancer center members with access to a powerful, highthroughput, quantitative costeffective antibodybased assay to characterize basal or ligandinduced protein expression and modification, and timeresolved responses appropriat
Doris Siwak | |
713-792-5743 |
MDACC Research Histology Core Laboratory
RHCL provides high-quality routine and specialized histology services including histochemical stains, processing of non-decalcified bone samples and advanced applied technologies such as Tissue microarray construction, IHC, CISH, Digital slide scanning, Digital image analysis and pathology ser...
Sherita Meyer-Gauen, PhD, HTL(QIHC) | |
713-792-2095/Office |
Nicholas Navin, PhD | |
MDACC Small Animal Imaging Facility
The Small Animal Imaging Facility provides access to imaging instrumentation and expertise that allows researchers to integrate powerful and cutting edge imaging technologies into routine preclinical research with confidence that their scientific objectives will be achieved.
Charles Kingsley | |
(832) 829-7041 |